Saturday, October 27, 2012

How marketing is important in business

Marketing is important effort by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to relevent customers. Without marketing, your business may offer the best products or services in your industry, but none of your relevant customers would know about it. The overall marketing process covers advertising, public relations, promotions and sales.

The reason that marketing is so important to businesses is that it is how you get customers. Clearly nobody is going to walk into your office and ask for whatever it is that you are selling unless they know that you are there and what you are selling

It does not matter whether your business is service or product based, you need to have a clear view of :

1. Who your current customers are.

2. Who your potential customers could be.

3. The reasons anyone would want to buy your product or services and why they would pay the price you are asking.

4. How you should communicate those benefits to effectively keep your customers engaged.

5. The best mix of marketing activity to keep your service or product animated.

6. How you can most effectively spend your marketing dollar by segment.

7. How you can best monitor your marketing spend.

Now marketing is such a fabulous part of business because actually it's the whole of your business: 
  • It's what you are selling. 
  • How you are selling it. 
  • To whom you are selling it. 
  • And at what price. 
Marketing is important in building customer relationships as well as creating product awareness.

Indian Festival of 2013, holidays of 2013

India is a country of festivals. Hindus observe sacred occasions by festive observances. All festivals in Hinduism are predominantly religious in character and significance. Many festivals are seasonal. Some celebrate harvest and birth of God or heroes. Some are dedicated to important events in Hindu mythology. Many are dedicated to Shiva and Parvati, Vishnu and Lakshmi and Brahma and Saraswati.The below list refer to Hindu festivals.

Makar Sakranti
Vasant Panchami
Maha Shivaratri
Hindi New Year
Ramayana Week
Hanuman Jayanti
Raksha Bandhan
Krishna Janmashthami
Ganesh Chaturthi
Saraswati Puja
(Forms part of Navaratri)
Vijay Dashami (Dasera)
Deepavali (Diwali)
Vikram New Year 2070

Buddha Purnima Saturday 25-05-2013

Guru Purnima Monday 22-07-2013

Easter Sunday 31-03-2013

Moon Eclipse Thursday 25-04-2013

Dengue Symptoms, Causes,Treatment and Prevention

Now a days Dengue becomes a big disease in metro cities. Many people are suffering with this disease so I have decided to write about it so that you guys can read it and with the help of it you can prevent of yourself with this disease. Dengue (pronounced DENG-gay) can affect anyone but tends to be more severe in people with compromised immune systems.

Some facts regarding Dengue:

1. Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. The bite of one infected mosquito can result in infection.

2. When the Risk of being bitten highest: The risk of being bitten is highest during the early morning, several hours after daybreak, and in the late afternoon before sunset. However, mosquitoes may feed at any time during the day.

3. Where Aedes aegypti mosquito Find out: Aedes mosquitoes typically live indoors and are often found in dark, cool places such as in closets, under beds, behind curtains, and in bathrooms. Travelers should be advised to use insecticides to get rid of mosquitoes in these areas and to select accommodations with well-screened windows or air conditioning when possible

4. Symptoms of Dengue: Headache, fever, exhaustion, severe joint and muscle pain, swollen glands (lymphadenopathy), and rash. The presence (the "dengue triad") of fever, rash, and headache (and other pains) is particularly characteristic of dengue fever.

5. Because dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. For typical dengue fever, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms. Just take water as more as you can take, need to check out your BP and platelates regularly and take drip if possible.

6. The acute phase of the illness with fever and myalgias lasts about one to two weeks.

7. There is currently no vaccine available for dengue fever. To prevent mosquito bites, wear long pants and long sleeves. For personal protection, use mosquito repellant sprays that contain DEET when visiting places where dengue is endemic.

What is dengue hemorrhagic fever?

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a specific syndrome that tends to affect children under 10 years of age. It causesabdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding), and circulatory collapse (shock). DHF is also called Philippine, Thai, or Southeast Asian hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome.

DHF starts abruptly with high continuous fever and headache. There are respiratory and intestinal symptoms with sore throat, cough, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Shock occurs two to six days after the start of symptoms with sudden collapse, cool, clammy extremities (the trunk is often warm), weak pulse, and blueness around the mouth (circumoral cyanosis).

In DHF, there is bleeding with easy bruising, blood spots in the skin (petechiae), spitting up blood (hematemesis), blood in the stool (melena), bleeding gums, and nosebleeds(epistaxis). Pneumonia is common, and inflammation of the heart (myocarditis) may be present.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Top 3 things for Indian working women:

Today i am going to write about top 3 points for Indian Working Women. Every working women should be aware with these points.You need to know about your rights.

1. Sexual Harassment at Workplace:

Now The Lok Sabha passed the Sexual Harassment of Women At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Bill, 2012 on September 3, which inter alia prohibits ‘sexually-coloured remarks’. The Rajya Sabha too is likely to pass the bill. Back in 2010, the same bill was unable to sail through Parliament.

The bill says sexual harassment includes “any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication), namely; (i) physical contact and advances; or (ii) a demand or request for sexual favours; or (iii) making sexually coloured remarks; or (iv) showing pornography; or (v) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.”

But you can safe yourself to keep few things in your mind:

Here are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe:

i. Be Aware: It’s the simplest thing for safety that one can pursue, rigorously and consciously. By being alert and detecting any signs of this heinous evil in your immediate surroundings, one can prevent such events from taking place. Precautions like dressing appropriately, compliment the need for awareness.

ii. Trust your gut: No definition can comprehensively include all aspects of sexual harassment and it is subjective as well. There is no bracket formula to determine whether an act, perhaps bordering on somewhat ‘friendly’, constitutes an act of sexual harassment or not. But, for you, anything that puts you in a discomfort zone, some place that you’d want to extricate yourself from is sexual harassment.

iii. Say no: The thin line of demarcation between sexual interest and sexual harassment shouldn’t be disregarded. A sexual interest can be doused by a negative reply. Also, just because the person concerned is a senior, does not mean you cannot say no. Sometimes, a stinging retort may work wonders; however, it can worsen the attention-craving situation of the perpetrator at times.

2. Night Shift for women:

Before the amendment in the Factories Act, under s.66 women were not allowed to work night shifts. However after the amendment was approved, women are permitted to work between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. in sectors including the Special Economic Zone, IT sector and Textiles subject to the condition that the employers shall be obligated to perform the duty to protect them. This is clearly given in the proviso to the section which is as following: “provided adequate safeguards in the factory as regards occupational safety and health, equal opportunity for women workers, adequate protection of their dignity, honour and safety and their transportation from the factory premises to the nearest point of their residence”.

Hence, women can now work night shifts in these sectors. If you work the night shift, here are some things you have the right to expect, along with some tips for you:

i. You can demand that your employer have any or all of the following: female wardens, proper lighting, secure transport facility, security at entry and exit points etc.

ii. Be extra careful to prevent any mishap by staying alert.

iii. Always ensure you have company while going to and from work.

iv. Keep the contacts of family, friends or relatives who can quickly be contacted in case of emergency.
If possible taking self defense classes.

3. Gender Equity:

Promoting gender equity is at the heart of PMC’s work. How well a society treats its women is one of the strongest indicators of the success and health of a society. By providing girls with an education, allowing women to have a voice in family decisions, and providing women with opportunities for economic freedom, we will build stronger future generations.

Discrimination against women and girls occurs in many forms through gender-based violence, economic discrimination, reproductive health inequities and harmful traditional practices.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Curruption in India

CURRUPTION IN INDIA: what the first thought come in your mind when you heard this word? In India if we talk about curruption then many things, many faces comes in our mind. Well most of the guys know the top scams in india. In our daily life we faces many things related to curruption but we neglect those we always focus on big scams. According to my point of view to remove curruption we need to remove it out from ourself first. If i start to talk from a very small point like if i will not offer bribe to traffic police then how a trafic man will take that, if i will not offer a bribe to a police man then how that person will take, if we will deny to give dowry to boys party then how they will take that but most of us will do this. According to my point of view we all are responsible for curruption. Well I need comment of you guys and corporation too to remove curruption.

Big scams in India: Which one is come in your mind? Top 10 big scams in India are:

  • 2G Spectrum
  • Commonwealth Games Scam
  • Telgi Scam
  • Satyam Scam
  • Bofors Scam
  • The Fodder Scam
  • The Hawala Scandal
  • IPL Scam
  • Harshad Mehta & Ketan Parekh Stock Market Scam 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What is Diabetes

Today's post related to a very common disease : Diabetes. what is Diabetes? what are the Symptoms of it? How you can control your sugar? You will get the answers of all questions related to this disease in hindi.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How you can Empower yourself with Self-Talk

If you are demotivate, if you want to encourage yourself then my this post definetly will help you. The way in which you speak to yourself mentally and verbally has a powerful impact on your self-image.
Minimizing your achievements or doubting your capabilities will most definitely create a sense of disempowerment, limiting your potential in virtually every aspect of your life.
On another way, positive and encouraging self-talk will contribute to inner strength and self-respect, which will drastically change  the way you see yourself  and your potential in life. Look at yourself in the mirror daily and just find three positive things to say about yourself. You can compliment your physical features, personality traits or accomplishments – but it should be  sure that they are genuine compliments because your subconscious mind will know if you’re “lying.”.
So are you going to implement these activies in your life.Definetly you should be you feel better.